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Kyanite is a blue stone that is strongly associated with Vishuddha, the throat chakra. It is favored by spiritual leaders, gurus, and teachers as this stone helps them really convey their truth to those who listen. Kyanite greatly amplifies the impact of their voices and gives stronger meaning to what they say. 


If you have a piece of kyanite by your side, you’ll be more apt to express your true thoughts, without the fear of being misunderstood or misinterpreted. 


The effect of kyanite on your throat chakra goes far beyond just speaking what’s on your mind. If you are prone to frequent throat infections, kyanite - like any blue-hued gemstone - will greatly improve your health. 


Another great perk of this beautiful mineral is its ability to help you reach deeper into yourself while meditating. If you want to establish a strong connection with your intuition, then make sure to equip yourself with kyanite.  


*stones that are represented on the photos may have different color in real life and have some natural deformations. Some stones can even have chips inside, it's totally fine cause they all NATURAL.

Natural Stick of Kyanite

  • All our crystals are energetically cleaned and charged before delivery to the customer.


    Lovinne Store is founded by a certified international lithotherapist.

    In our store you will find not only stones and items made from them but also various natural tools that can help you relax, maintain physical and mental health, always staying resourced and become more confident.

    All goods are verified their authenticity by our litho- and aromatherapists 

    If you look at the photo and feel that you need a particular stone, it will probably benefit you.

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